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For Candidates

For Candidates

Guide to Running for Office

The New York State Guide to Running for Office provides general guidance for those who are preparing to circulate petitions, and is not to be used as a substitute for consulting the Election Law for specific petition requirements.


Guide to Running for Office

All Elections Petition Forms

Campaign Finance Disclosure

After mail service of required notices and phone calls, (not required), to Treasurers and Candidates of delinquent financial statements, (Reports), The Enforcement Office of the Board of Elections in the City of New York is mandated to compel compliance to the Election Law.


Campaign Finance Handbook (PDF), which is distributed by the NYS Board of Elections, outlines the rules and procedures necessary to comply with the laws governing financial disclosure. For any active account registered with the Board of Elections in the City of New York there are two "Periodic Reports" required each year. One is required by the 15th of January, the other is required by the 15th of July of each year. Additionally, there is one Pre and two Post reports for every Primary, General Election, School Board or Special Election. All such "Reports" must be filed timely per dates listed in the hand book.


Anyone failing to file timely is subject to a Court ordered Compelling Order and a fine of $500.00 plus costs and disbursements for each delinquency. Failure to comply with the Compelling Order is the crime of Contempt of Court and a misdemeanor.


The Board of Elections in the City of New York vigorously enforces the Election Law by suing all delinquent filers by Order to Show Cause in the Supreme Court. Please read the handbook and comply timely.


Campaign Financial Handbook

This handbook contains all necessary information and instructions required to enable candidates and committees to comply with the financial disclosure requirements in Article 14 of the New York State Election law and in Part 6200 of the Board's Rules and Regulations.


Campaign Finance Handbook

Financial Disclosure Forms